I Swear I'm Working

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Best of Reddit Roasts

Imagine this..  People being mean to people… on the internet! *gasp*.   I know.. I know.. Open any youtube video and scroll through the comments and you’ll understand why aliens haven’t contacted us yet. cheap jerseys  Thankfully, Roast Me on Reddit has done it differently. wholesale jerseys We’re bringing you the best Financiacion of reddit roasts.

It’s a pretty simple concept, people Lingerie post a picture of themselves (with proof that it’s them) and willingly invite the users of the site to roast them.

There are rules though – You have to give written consent in your photo; the roasters are allowed to look Our through the roastee’s Reddit history,  and you’re not allowed to share personal information.

Usually wholesale jerseys China it’s funny, often times it’s downright cheap nfl jerseys cruel, but it’s always extremely entertaining.

Before you go feeling too sorry for any of these people, keep in mind – they knew what they were getting into.  If you’re thinking about signing yourself up for it… think twice.



“Validate my insecurities”




“I like bacon”


“My Girlfriend Wanted a roast of us being together for our 11 months so roast us”



“Do your worst”



“Roast me I can handle it!”


“I haven’t cried in over a year, change that”





“Incinerate me”


“SpitRoast Me”




“We just got on homecoming court, tell us why we won’t win”


“I’m not ugly and my life is actually going pretty well. Good luck bitches”


And sometimes when regular roast is not enough, someone like “HaikuberryFin” comes along and roasts in Haiku form.


For more comedy gold Had visit www.reddit.com/r/roastme – but I wouldn’t recommend signing yourself up to get roasted.

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